Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pabst Welcomes Hunters

It seems like many years ago when I first noticed beers signs in windows and in bars that welcomed and encouraged hunting. In my college days in Kirksville MO such signs were the norm. A huge orange sign with a deer head that welcomed the hunters into the bar or politely requested they procure a case was in every window.
I will grant that we always thought this was an iffy marriage. Lethal force, and a chemical that causes you to use it unwisely. We laughed at the joke, but never thought much of it. We were in the Midwest, get used to it.
A decade later I am an avid hunter and a beer guzzler. What used to seem ridicules now makes some sense. While there is no doubt the beer companies try to tie things together for profit, there really is a common note.
For most hunters that aren't hunting because they are hungry, hunting is leisure, recreation and social. There is nothing better suited to a social setting than beer. No one is encouraging a drunken hunt, but don't show up at the lodge without the proper refreshment. There is a lot of time between dusk and dawn. There is no way you need that much sleep.
My advice to all is bring plenty of beer to enjoy after the hunt. Nothing helps you celebrate or drown your sorrows like sweet beer.